Church of the Living God in Christ Jesus

A nonprofit organization

My name is Evelyn; I am the secretary for The Church of the Living God in Christ Jesus, we are raising money to help support our church.  We want to purchase a church building. 

This church isn’t your ordinary church, we are more like a family; we help each other out in times of need.  This church means the world to me because in 2014 I was in a toxic relationship and needed to be set free, I was on unemployment at the time and had little funds to move out.  I consulted with my Pastor and he consulted with the members; one of the members took us in (and 2 dogs) rent free until we got back on our feet. 

The Pastor and Assist. Pastor helped bring the word of God to my son (who lived out of state) they took time to write / text my son; made sure he was doing alright and my son repented for his sins and got saved.  A year later (2015) my son was killed and was once again I needed the help of my church family, they helped raise money to bury my son and also helped my daughter and I find a place of our own. (we needed time to heal)

This church made sure we had a roof over our heads, food to eat and bills paid.  I don’t know where I would be if I would have never come to this church.

Again this isn’t an ordinary church; it’s a family environment with loving, caring and considerate members who look out for one another.

We have faithful members who commitment their 10% every month without question.  Would you match our tithes?  

Member’s tithes total - $900 a month, could/would you match that?  Would you let the Lord touch your hearts and help us?

Check us out on Facebook:  The Church of the Living God in Christ Jesus

Pastor Ernest C. Ashley

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Organization Data


Organization name

Church of the Living God in Christ Jesus

Tax id (EIN)





P.O. Box 799
Hiram, GA 30141



Social Media