Organization name
Communities In Schools of Milledgeville-Baldwin Co
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community , Volunteer
Campus Box 040Milledgeville, Georgia 31061
$625 raised by 3 donors
31% complete
$2,000 Goal
Our mission is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.
The COVID-19 pandemic had devastating effects on the families in our community. Parents have experienced job loss and young students are facing countless emotional and physical barriers to their education.
In addition to concerns about the virus, loss of family income contributes to food and clothing insecurity. Mental health issues and difficulties with learning have also increased dramatically due to decreased social interaction and a plethora of educational changes. CISMBC is committed to addressing these major barriers in order to make a difference for students in schools and beyond.
Your donation helps CISMBC continue to provide school uniforms, telehealth services, mental health programming, rapid COVID-19 testing, tutoring, and mentoring. Students from preschool to high school are in desperate need of your assistance. Your donation today will change a life tomorrow.
Communities In Schools of Milledgeville-Baldwin County (CISMBC) is a nationally accredited affiliate and 501(c)3 non-profit started in 2009 by community leaders who realized that a prepared, educated workforce was a critical ingredient to overall economic recovery and prosperity.
We currently have a site coordinator serving students in the following Baldwin County School District schools:
All of these students, their families, and school staff are able to get healthcare from our new "Bee Well" Clinic - no matter their ability to pay.
We envision Baldwin County as a healthy, thriving, and economically sound community where all residents, infant through adult, stay in school, achieve academically, graduate, and explore post-secondary education opportunities becoming self-sufficient, productive, contributing members of our community.
Many children face challenges both inside and outside the classroom. Through a school-based site coordinator, we strategically align and deliver needed resources that address both academic and nonacademic needs so that students can focus on learning. By leveraging relationships with local businesses, colleges, social service agencies, parent, and volunteer organizations, needed resources are delivered to students in a cost‑effective manner.
Organization name
Communities In Schools of Milledgeville-Baldwin Co
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community , Volunteer
Campus Box 040