Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community , Economic Development
3434 Roswell Road NWAtlanta, GA 30305
Our Name
The words la amistad mean “the friendship” in Spanish. At LaAmistad, friendships between students, students and staff, and also students and volunteers are cultivated every day, and their impacts can last a lifetime.
Our Vision
that Latino students and families achieve life-long self-sufficiency.
Our Mission
is to prepare Latino students and families for success through academic and life enrichment programs.
Our History
LaAmistad was established in Atlanta in 2001 by Bill Maness. Serving as the director of the Gym at Peachtree Presbyterian Church at the time, he noticed a need for neighborhood children to have a safe place to improve their academics and develop strong character. In 2006 LaAmistad became a 501(c)3 non-profit to provide exceptional educational and life-enrichment services to children and their families. Today LaAmistad has grown into a holistic program that includes afterschool tutoring, parent education, English for Successful Living classes, and summer enrichment activities.
Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community , Economic Development
3434 Roswell Road NW