Organization name
Lily Pad SANE Center, Inc
Tax id (EIN)
PO BOX 70938ALBANY, GA 31708
Lily Pad is an umbrella organization housing the Firefly House (Albany) and Oakhouse (Bainbridge) Children’s Advocacy Centers, the SANE Center (which houses the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners and the Rape Crisis Program) and PAVES (access and visitation program for non-custodial parents who are paying child support).
The Center provides 24-hour services in Southwest Georgia for all victims of sexual assault, child abuse, neglect and deprivation, as well as children in foster care. Our primary service area consists of the Dougherty and South Georgia Judicial Circuits (Baker, Calhoun, Decatur, Dougherty, Grady, Mitchell counties). Services are also provided to surrounding counties, where services are not available or do not operate 24/7/365. We strongly believe that no victim of abuse should have to wait for ‘business hours’ to receive services. Lily Pad serves the immediate primary needs of the clients, including crisis intervention, forensic interviews, and safe, compassionate forensic medical evaluation and evidence collection. A case management approach is used for all clients to ensure that appropriate services are available, to include service coordination, advocacy, and counseling/therapy. The Lily Pad collaborates with local, state, and national resources; provides a safe haven for victims of sexual assault and their families in the immediate aftermath of an assault; and educates stakeholders and the local community regarding sexual assault, child abuse, and neglect. As a non-profit organization, the Lily Pad never charges victims for services.
Organization name
Lily Pad SANE Center, Inc
Tax id (EIN)
PO BOX 70938