Turkeypalooza 2022

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Athens Community Council on Aging, Inc. (ACCA)
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Thank you for helping us fight senior hunger in the Athens community!


raised by 223 people

$25,000 goal

We need your help!

1 in every 5 Athens-Clarke County older adults is at risk for hunger. As we begin to make plans to celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends, the Athens Community Council on Aging and Campus Kitchen at UGA are partnering once again this year to ensure that no senior in our community is left out this holiday season. 

We have a goal to raise $25,000 to be used to purchase turkeys and all of the fixings that will provide more than 1,400 Thanksgiving meals to seniors and their families while also funding our senior hunger initiatives for the entire year! 

Each year, dozens of cars line the street outside of ACCA long before the official start of Turkeypalooza. It's a sobering reminder of the great need within our community that so many of our most vulnerable residents are in need of food assistance. The spirit of the holidays only magnifies the need. With your generous support, we can provide older adults and their families the opportunity to enjoy a hot Thanksgiving meal this year. 

Help us feed the spirit of family and please donate today!

Can we count on your donation this year to help our seniors in need?

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