P.O.W.E.R On Wheels

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

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Help us fund a truck to deliver vital supplies to those in need. Your donation drives change.


raised by 14 people

$25,000 goal

P.O.W.E.R. Atlanta Inc. is excited to launch our POWER On the Go initiative, and we need your help to make it a reality! We’re raising funds to purchase a dedicated truck that will allow us to bring food, clothing, and essential supplies directly to underserved communities. This truck will be a lifeline, ensuring that those who cannot reach us still receive the support they need. Your Impact: Every dollar brings us closer to putting this truck on the road, extending our reach, and delivering hope to more people than ever before. Goal: $25,000 to purchase and outfit the truck for POWER On the Go. Donate today to help us bring POWER to the people, wherever they are! Donate now at www.poweratl.org

#poweratl #poweratlantainc #wearepower #PowerOnTheGo #Fundraiser #SupportOurMission

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