Water Quality Testing Kits
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
WWALS Watershed Coalition IncHow can we know the status of the water? By testing! We need kits and supplies.
raised by 14 people
$5,000 goal
Consumables cost money. Won't you help?
The fundraising for WWALS Water Quality Testing program is re-open. We had a successful year with our grant from Georgia Power. During the pandemic, we trained, or retrained seventeen Georgia Adopt A Stream volunteers.
We now have ten test kits and are testing monthly at all sites, and weekly at some. This means we have consumable expenses of reagents, petrifilm, gloves, and more.
Won't you consider donating now.
We have seven WWALS members trained with Georgia Adopt-A-Stream and nine in Florida for water quality testing. Now we need kits for them to use in testing. A basic shallow water kit costs about $300. With addition units for testing for Nitrogen and Phosphorus, the price increases to $420 per kit.
Bacterial testing costs are additional and need incubators and testing media, in addition to materials for safe collection of water. We need sampling bags, gloves, pipets and more. Your donations will help us obtain the testing materials we need.
Water quality testing will help us confirm for the community that the river water is safe for boating, fishing, and swimming.