Atlanta Dinners: Racial Healing with Community
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
One Small Change IncAtlanta Dinners will bring together 500 people in Fall 2020 in conversations on race and equity.
raised by 6 people
$5,000 goal
One Small Change and Out of Hand Theater will provide 1500 Atlanta City Dinners for a total of 15,000 people in Georgia over the next 3 years. There will be a facilitated conversation on race and equity at every dinner table of 8-10 people. Dinners will occur in homes, places of worship, restaurants and community centers. Every table will be diverse in its guests. Each dinner begins with the performance of a short original play, from Out of Hand Theater, about racism. The Atlanta City Dinners Project builds on our success with Decatur Dinners, an evening in August 2019 where 1200 community members who “live, work, play or worship” in the city shared a meal and personal stories about race and equity.