Support Live Arts Theatre
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Live Arts TheaterSupport quality theatre productions and education in Gwinnett County!
raised by 7 people
$1,300 goal
Live Arts Theatre holds a very special place in my heart. They've given me the opportunity to be Truffaldino (Servant of Two Masters), Maddie (Making God Laugh, Peter Quince (Midsummer Night's Dream), and others. LAT has also started me on my path to directing. I participated in the Directing Intensive, directed multiple staged readings, Shakespeare in the Park (I mean, once you have a sword-fight with golf clubs, you can't go back!). I also had the opportunity to direct The Tin Woman this past Spring to sell-out crowds.
But one of the things that keeps me at LAT is the community. During Twelfth Night-Flipped in 2023, I experienced lots of hardship that would depress anyone. LAT was the bright spot in that dark time. There's a reason we call each other "LAT Family": Because LAT's got your back.
Thank you LAT for accepting me and being my support. As a thank you, I want to raise funds so we can grow and continue to produce quality productions. So we can finally pay Becca & Andre for the hard work they do. Please drop in a buck or two to help us in that direction. They helped me, so let's return the favor.
Thank you,
Blair Sanders
Please donate to Live Arts Theatre, a 501c3 nonprofit theatre. Donations may be tax deductible, check with your tax preparer. All donations will go towards the theatre in general to cover operating expenses as well as strategic goals so we can continue to produce amazing shows while we find and build out a new permanent space where all will not only be welcome, but celebrated. Help us change the world.